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Serbian Flag

The Evolution of the Serbian Flag

From Pan-Slavic Symbol to National Emblem

The Tricolour: A Pan-Slavic Heritage

The Serbian flag, known as the "Tricolour," is composed of three equal horizontal stripes: red, blue, and white. These colors are rooted in Pan-Slavism, a 19th-century political and cultural movement that sought to unite all Slavic peoples. The red stripe represents bravery and courage, the blue symbolizes freedom and justice, and the white signifies peace and purity.

The Coat of Arms: A Serbian Symbol

In addition to the Tricolour, the Serbian flag features the Serbian coat of arms near the hoist. The coat of arms consists of a double-headed eagle surmounted by a crown and holding a sceptre and orb. The eagle represents the historical connection of Serbia to the Byzantine and Roman Empires, while the crown and orb symbolize the sovereignty of the Serbian state.

Adoption and Significance

The current version of the Serbian flag was officially adopted on November 11, 2010. It signifies the traditional values and aspirations of the Serbian people, representing their struggle for independence, their commitment to democracy, and their connection to both Slavic and European heritage.
